
Google Protocol Buffers Data Interchange Format

This appendix contains the full yosokumo.proto file (below) for the Google Protocol Buffers DIF. The canonical specification for the documents is given in ASN.1 in Appendix C.1. In general, the following translation conventions apply:

  1. Each ASN.1 production is represented by protobuf message.
  2. Each subproduction corresponds to a nested protobuf message.
  3. SET OF or SEQUENCE OF attributes that may be repeated are represented as repeated fields.
  4. When only one of several alternative properties or productions is permitted by the specification, the alternatives are represented by a set of optional fields.
  5. ASN.1 enumerations are represented by protobuf enums.
  6. All time values are RFC 3339 formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnn', where 'nnn' represents milliseconds.
  7. A 'null' value is indicated by omitting the field from the protobuf message.

-------------------------------- START OF yosokumo.proto --------------------------------

package yosokumo.core ;

option java_package = "com.yosokumo.core" ;
option java_outer_classname = "Service" ;

message Catalog
	required string user_identifier = 1 ;
	optional string user_name = 102 ;
	optional string location = 103 ;
	repeated Study study = 4 ;

message Study
	required string study_identifier = 1 ;
	optional string study_name = 102 ;
	enum Type
		Class = 1 ;
		Rank = 2 ;
		Number = 3 ;
		Chance = 4 ;
	optional Type type = 103 ;
	enum Status
		Running = 1 ;
		Paused = 2 ;
		Stopped = 3 ;
	optional Status status = 104 ;
	enum Visibility
		Private = 1 ;
		Public = 2 ;
	optional Visibility visibility = 105 ;
	optional string location = 106 ;
	message Owner
		required string user_identifier = 1 ;
		optional string user_name = 102 ;
	optional Owner owner = 107 ;
	message Table
		optional string location = 101 ;
	optional Table table = 108 ;
	message Model
		optional string location = 101 ;
	optional Model model = 109 ;
	message Panel
		optional string location = 101 ;
	optional Panel panel = 110 ;
	message Roster
		optional string location = 101 ;
	optional Roster roster = 111 ;

message Roster
	required string study_identifier = 1 ;
	optional string study_name = 102 ;
	optional string location = 103 ;
	repeated Role role = 4 ;

message Role
	optional string location = 101 ;
	message Roleholder
		required string user_identifier = 1 ;
		optional string user_name = 102 ;
	optional Roleholder roleholder = 102 ;
	message Privileges
		optional bool get_study = 1 ;
		optional bool delete_study = 2 ;
		optional bool get_roster = 3 ;
		optional bool post_roster = 4 ;
		optional bool get_role = 5 ;
		optional bool put_role = 6 ;
		optional bool delete_role = 7 ;
		optional bool get_panel = 8 ;
		optional bool get_control = 9 ;
		optional bool put_control = 10 ;
		optional bool post_table = 11 ;
		optional bool get_model = 12 ;
		optional bool post_model = 13 ;
	optional Privileges privileges = 103 ;
	message Study
		required string study_identifier = 1 ;
		optional string study_name = 102 ;
	optional Study study = 104 ;

message Panel
	required string study_identifier = 1 ;
	optional string location = 102 ;
	message StudyNameControl
		required string study_name = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
		optional string location = 103 ;
	optional StudyNameControl study_name_control = 103 ;
	message TypeControl
		required Study.Type type = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
	optional TypeControl type_control = 104 ;
	message StatusControl
		required Study.Status status = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
		optional string location = 103 ;
	optional StatusControl status_control = 105 ;
	message VisibilityControl
		required Study.Visibility visibility = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
		optional string location = 103 ;
	optional VisibilityControl visibility_control = 106 ;
	message BlockCountControl
		required uint64 block_count = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
	optional BlockCountControl block_count_control = 107 ;
	message CellCountControl
		required uint64 cell_count = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
	optional CellCountControl cell_count_control = 108 ;
	message ProspectCountControl
		required uint64 prospect_count = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
	optional ProspectCountControl prospect_count_control = 109 ;
	message CreationTimeControl
		required string creation_time = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
	optional CreationTimeControl creation_time_control = 110 ;
	message LatestBlockTimeControl
		required string latest_block_time = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
	optional LatestBlockTimeControl latest_block_time_control = 111 ;
	message LatestProspectTimeControl
		required string latest_prospect_time = 1 ;
		optional string study_identifier = 102 ;
	optional LatestProspectTimeControl latest_prospect_time_control = 112 ;

message Block
	optional string study_identifier = 1 ;

	// include at most one of . . .
	optional bool empty = 2 [ default=true ] ;
	repeated Predictor predictor = 3 ;
	repeated Specimen specimen = 4 ;

message Predictor
	required uint64 name = 1 ;
	enum Status
		Active = 1 ;
		Inactive = 2 ;
	optional Status status = 2 ;
	enum Type
		Categorical = 1 ;
		Continuous = 2 ;
	optional Type type = 3 ;
	enum Level
		Nominal = 1 ;
		Ordinal = 2 ;
		Interval = 3 ;
		Ratio = 4 ;
	optional Level level = 4 ;
	repeated Cell cell = 5 ;

message Specimen
	optional uint64 key = 1 ;
	enum Status
		Active = 1 ;
		Inactive = 2 ;
	optional Status status = 2 ;
	optional uint64 weight = 3 ;

	// include at most one of . . .
	optional bool empty = 4 [ default=true ] ;
	optional uint64 natural = 5 ;
	optional sint64 integer = 6 ;
	optional double real = 7 ;

	repeated Cell cell = 8 ;

message Cell
	// include exactly one of . . .
	optional uint64 name = 1 ;
	optional uint64 key = 2 ;

	// include at most one of . . .
	optional bool empty = 3 [ default=true ] ;
	optional uint64 natural = 4 ;
	optional sint64 integer = 5 ;
	optional double real = 6 ;
	optional uint64 special = 7 ;

message Message
	enum Type
		Information = 1 ;
		Error = 2 ;
	optional Type type = 101 ;
	optional string text = 102 ;

-------------------------------- END OF yosokumo.proto --------------------------------