Package com.yosokumo.core

Implements Java classes which allow a Yosokumo analytic project to be manipulated as a collection of Java objects; the Java programmer using these classes need not be concerned with the details of HTTP access to the Yosokumo web service.


Class Summary
Catalog An index to all the studies on which a given user has a role.
Cell Represents a Value with an associated key or name.
Credentials Specifies credentials (user id and key) for Yosokumo authentication.
EmptyValue Represents no value or an unknown value.
IntegerValue Represents a signed integer value.
Message A text message with a type indicating if the message is information or an error.
NaturalValue Represents an unsigned integer value.
Predictor A column of values, an independent variable.
RealValue Represents a floating-point value.
Role A set of privileges granted to a particular user for a particular study.
Roster For each study, a list of users that have a role on the study.
Service Provides the basic operations available from the Yosokumo web service, e.g., obtainCatalog and createStudy.
SpecialValue Represents an unsigned integer value.
Specimen A row of values.
Study A container for all resources associated with an analytic project.
Value An abstract base class for value classes which store specific primitive data types, e.g., IntegerValue and RealValue.

Enum Summary
Message.Type Indicates whether the message is informational or an error message.
Predictor.Level Indicates the level of measurement for the feature.
Predictor.Status Provides a logical delete facility.
Predictor.Type Describes the quality of the predictor and determines the statistical operations that can be performed on the feature.
Role.Privilege Indicates an operation which a given user is or is not allowed to perform on a given study.
Service.DIFType Specifies the Data Interchange Format (DIF) of bytes transmitted to and from the Yosokumo server.
Specimen.Status Provides a logical delete facility.
Study.Status Describes the state of the study, whether it is running, on standby, or stopped.
Study.Type Indicates the quality of the predictands associated with subjects in the study.
Study.Visibility Tells whether unidentified users can get estimated predictands from the model of the study.
Value.Type Indicates the data type stored in the Value, e.g., integer or real.

Exception Summary
ServiceException Encapsulates all exceptions which can be thrown by the Yosokumo Service.

Package com.yosokumo.core Description

Implements Java classes which allow a Yosokumo analytic project to be manipulated as a collection of Java objects; the Java programmer using these classes need not be concerned with the details of HTTP access to the Yosokumo web service.

TBD: An example showing which Service methods to call in which order to start using the Yosokumo web service.